We started the class with a few improv games outside to get everyone's creative juices flowing. Apparently kids dig playing outside--who knew!
When we came back inside, I explained story structure (using the most important film in cinema history as an example). We also discussed protagonists and antagonists, and why it's important to have contrast in those characters.
The children did an excellent job pretending to listen.
I told CCM that the class would be best suited for ages ten and up. Eight year old Allison weaseled her way in, and ended up being the best student in the class. Here Allison is explaining to me the components of a storyboard.
The kids came up to the whiteboard one at a time and created the hero of our own story, the bank-robber George "The Muscle Man" Jefferson. I created his antagonist, Det. Jimmy.
Using the formula I'd taught them at the beginning of class, we brainstormed the first act of a story. The students then had to storyboard acts two and three and pitch them to the class in groups.
I thumbnailed out my own version of the story on the whiteboard, to show them how to pitch.
Then the students went to work pitching their own boards.
My braintrust (the CCM faculty) chose their favorite pitch, and I drew pictures of George "Muscle Man" Jefferson and Det. Jimmy for the winning team.
In the end, everyone lived happily ever after!
If you're interested in visiting CCM, check out their website,
Creativity.org. Ask for Heather, she's the best!