Next time you go to Disneyland...1. Try a Secret Souvenir Santa gift exchange. Everyone in your group is randomly assigned someone to buy a souvenir for. It's much more fun than shopping for yourself! Here's a note I left in the sketchbook I bought for my Secret Santee, artist extraordinaire
Katy Wu.

The pen is mightier than the sword. Unless the sword is a pen!
2. Look for
weenies! Weenie is the term Walt Disney used for a visual magnet, or a striking landmark, that compels a guest to take a certain path. Game designers use weenies all the time in vidyuh games to nudge players toward the next leg of their adventure.
Splash Mountain is one big weenie.3. Get out of line, and enjoy the scenery. It's so tempting to spend the entire day running from ride to ride, trying to cram everything in. Take it from someone who's been there before: relax, look around, and notice all those awesome details that imagineers have pain-stakingly planned for your enjoyment. And while you're looking, take a picture, it'll last longer!

Yvie and I represent the First People. And "how!" 4. (Added Nov 9th, thanks to a suggestion from Adrienne) Look for
hidden Mickeys! Mickey's iconic tri-circular silhouette is all over the park, in the unlikeliest places. For some helpful hints on where to find them, consult this handy
field guide. Thanks for the reminder, Adrienne, and happy hunting!
Erik gets the feeling Mickey's been shadowing him.If you have any tips on making the most of the Magic Kingdom, please let me know. I'm all mouse ears!
11 days...