Wednesday, April 04, 2012


My friend Everett and I were joking about how Batman's ears look more like a doberman's than a bat's. Because that's the kind of sophisticated conversation we engage in. This is the alternate superhero we came up with.

Possible villains include The Botweiller, The Boxer, and Pugnacious. We're still working on a backstory, but I'm pretty sure he was part of a police canine unit when his dog died in the line of duty. Here are a few of Ev's sketches:

30 days...


Stu Livingston said...

haha his little tail's so scandalous (not to mention everything else about this costume lolz)

Thomas said...

Ha! Very true. There's some supplementary material to this character as well:

Thomas said...

Haha, nicely put. There's some supplementary material to this character as well:

Unknown said...

You just gave me a good solid 5 minutes of laughter and joy.

Nikhita P. said...

hahaha!! :D:D:D I love doberman!!!