Stan Winston (April 7, 1946-June 15, 2008)
In much sadder Jurassic Park-related news, Oscar award-winning makeup and special effects wizard Stan Winston passed away yesterday from complications due to multiple myeloma. Stan was one of my earliest artistic influences whether I realized it or not. Whether his work was as mind-blowing as Terminator and Predator, or as melancholy as Edward Scissorhands and Batman Returns, he never failed to transport me to another world populated by bizarre characters. His work lended as much atmosphere as the music or the cinematography, and was often more iconic. This is a tragic loss for the filmmaking community, but we will always have his characters, his art, and his inspiration.
What a loss. His work will live on forever as some of the most amazing and inspiring.
ah man. another one gone.
His contribution to the film making is legendary; it is very sad to see him go. He has inspired a generation and will not be forgotten.
My heart practically dropped into my stomach when I heard the news. A world without Stan Winston doesn't seem possible. But I'm happy he left such a great legacy of classic monsters. He's right up there with Harryhausen in my book. Thanks for all the great work Stan.
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