2 of 2: Skeleton in the Closet
Mouth continues to terrorize Rosalita in the days following the Goonies' adventure into One-Eyed Willy's lair.

I was looking up reference on imdb and noticed that Data's full name is Richard 'Data' Wang. Dick Wang...One-Eyed Willy...anyone sensing a theme here?
Watercolor and prisma pen 9x12
Watercolor and prisma pen 9x12
Next Friday is the due-date for Chades Challenge XXVI: DC vs. Marvel. After seeing this new production still of Chris Hemsworth as Thor, I'm pretty stoked for this theme. Thor's my favorite Marvel hero, and Kenneth Branagh is the perfect choice for a director. With his Shakespearian background, he can lend the necessary gravitas to the tale of the thunder god.

I'm guessing there will be a Thor trailer on Iron Man 2, here's hoping!