Wednesday, July 11, 2012

The Fart Knight Rises

Sure, The Avengers and Spider-man were fairly eagerly awaited. But there's one super hero finale that we've all been foaming at the mouth for: DICK FIGURES.

Tomorrow marks the season finale (and last episode ever) of the YouTube phenomenon Dick Figures. I will be making my return as Earl Gray, the dastardly ne'er-do-well with a penchant for the finer things in life (you can catch my previous episode on YouTube).

If you dig tomorrow's episode, you can stop by the Dick Figures Kickstarter and fund the feature film. If the project is funded, I'll be back for the third time as Earl Gray, and we all know great things come in threes! Okay, so do not-so-great Star Wars prequels.

0 days...Comic Con Begins!


Baron Lego said...

Wait- tomorrow's episode isn't a season ender... it's a series ender?

That's kinda depressing.

Unknown said...

Sounds like the Bloser is getting to you, Baron Lego! Take a sip of Earl Gray with a stiff upper-lip, chap! Afterall, there's a Dick Figures movie in the works!