Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween!

And Happy Hauntukkah to my BOO!ish friends! My ghoulfiend Heather's birthday is October 29th, and we both love Halloween, so this gave me the perfect excuse to paint something spooky for the bewitching young lady.

Here we are with our Jacques-O-Lantern and Drac-O-Lantern. Drac seems to be suffering a severe allergic reaction to that garlic.

Poison Ivy's got a brand new sidekick, and he seems to have some sort of fungal infection.

Anyone can pull off a cool Batman costume, but it takes a real man to rock a Robin. Of course, it doesn't hurt to have a stone-cold fox of a Poison Ivy.

 "Holy venus fly traps, Batman!" 

Hope you guys had as much horribly haunting fun as we did this Halloween! Now time to dust off those ugly Christmas sweaters...


Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Monday, October 29, 2012

World Champions

One last baseball-edition of my Fantasy Football series in honor of my hometeam champions, the Giants. Here's to another Orange October!

2 days...

Friday, October 26, 2012

Chades Challenge LXXI: British Trick-Or-Treaters

I bet the most popular Halloween costume at Hogwarts is Jedi. With telekinesis and mind control, I'll bet the little witches and wizards make very convincing Force-users!

If you have any British Trick-or-Treaters, let me know and I'll post them below. Otherwise you can join in November 9th for...


5 days...

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

NL Champions

My hometeam earned a special baseball edition of Fantasy Football when they closed out the NL championship series last night. The Giants outscored the Cardinals a total of 20-1 in the last three games, but I guess that's what you get when you pit a bird against a behemoth.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Fantasy Football VIII: Browns vs Colts

I have no idea what a 'brown' is, but I wouldn't want to incur its wrath. Something tells me Coach Pagano will feel Atreyu's pain today.

10 days...

Friday, October 19, 2012

The Little Spider

A Little Spider skitters along the dusty floor,
Through the haunted manor halls and the banshee's moor,
Because the Spider finds
That the web he winds
Lends grim glee to all Hallow's Eve decor.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Theseus and the Minotaur

The latest assignment in the story class I'm taking at work is the myth of Theseus and the Minotaur. Our instructor, Mark, encouraged us to do our own personal take on the tale. Here were my first impressions.

13 days...

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Opening Weekend of "The Scotland Company"

In traditional British style, we celebrated with tea and cake! And by tea, I mean shots.

We do like to stay well-stocked with actual tea in the dressing room, though.

When people say, "Break a leg!" my co-star JTop hears, "Bust a shoe!" He's really putting his soul into this role.

Our show had what might be my favorite teaser poster of all time.

So, when it came time to put up an actual poster, I wanted to make sure it was done right!

And, in typical narcissistic actor style, I made sure my character was the only one on the poster. Take that, ensemble!

If you're in San Francisco between now and October 27th, come check us out at the Exit Theatre

15 days...

Friday, October 12, 2012

Chades Challenge LXX: Unsavory Unicorns

It may be three weeks late, but the Chades Challenge is back (and fully colored, no less)! This week's design is inspired by Team Unicorn and Game of Thrones, two of God's greatest gifts to nerdkind. As always, everyone and anyone is welcome to contribute their interpretation of "unsavory unicorns", or you can join in October 26 for...


Thursday, October 11, 2012

A Lesson from the Storymtrooper

I've been taking a story class at work, and wanted to pass along some of the wisdom that has been imparted to me. Namely, to stay away from flat ("proscenium"), or ambiguous compositions. Action should be staged dramatically, and dialogue scenes can be dynamic even if the conversation was boring anyway.

20 days...

Tuesday, October 09, 2012

The Roaming Spirit

For my girlfriend, Heather, who loves Halloween and traveling. Inspired very much by Marc Davis' hitchhiking ghosts.

25 days...

Friday, October 05, 2012


Pegomastax ("strong jaw"), possibly a distant relative to Count Orlok and Lestat, has been discovered just in time for Halloween.  Since Pegomastax predates bats, my theory is that he turned into an Anurognathus.

Despite the gruesome appearance, Pegomastax was most likely omnivorous, meaning the most Halloweeny part of his diet was candy corn (which you can use to fashion your own set of Pegomastax fangs).

With massive canines, quills, and a sweet chicken comb, it's no surprise this guy is already generating a lot of paleo-art:

Life-sized bust by Tyler Keillor
26 days...

Wednesday, October 03, 2012

Happy Birthday, Mom and Steve!

While my I got my artistic talent from my dad, I definitely got my sense of humor from my mom. So you can blame her for all the puns. Eye love ya, Ma!

And one more card for my step-dad, who also has an October birthday. An avid enthusiast of fish and Jesus. My goal with his card was quite clear.

Monday, October 01, 2012

Fantasy Football V: Redskins vs Buccaneers

Aye the Buccaneers fought well; but at the end of the day, tickets weren't the only thing being scalped at the Tampa Bay game.

31 days...

This is Halloween

A chill wind, an icy breath. Thus begins the season of death.

31 days...